Whitehead Institute researchers find a role for condensates, droplets involved in corralling proteins inside of cells, in disease. They provide a catalog of disease-causing mutations that likely affect condensates as a resource for future research.
A group of researchers from multiple universities, including Whitehead Institute Member Olivia Corradin, gained new insights into the genetics of opioid overdose risk by looking at changes in gene regulation in the brain.
A cartoon explainer illustrating the metabolic basis of diabetes and work being done at the Institute to work toward better therapies and improved understanding.
Introducing Sinisa Hrvatin, who joined Whitehead Institute as a Member this year. Hrvatin, who completed his postdoc at Harvard Medical School, studies how cells initiate, regulate, and survive states of stasis, including hibernation.
Whitehead Institute Founding Member Harvey Lodish was co-recipient of the 2021 MITx Prize for Teaching and Learning in MOOCs, and Whitehead Institute Member Sebastian Lourido has been named as one of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund’s 2021 Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease.
A paper from the lab of Whitehead Institute Member Rudolf Jaenisch suggests that the genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 can integrate into the host cell genome and be expressed in some patient-derived tissues.
In this presentation and discussion moderated by Whitehead Institute Member Pulin Li, hear what Whitehead Fellows Silvia Rouskin and Kipp Weiskopf are learning about SARS-CoV-2 — and how their research may aid in the fight against dangerous coronaviruses, now and well into the future.
Researchers in the lab of Whitehead Institute Founding Member Robert Weinberg have determined how mesenchymal cancer cells may resist treatment, work that may allow them to make once-resistant tumors respond to certain cancer therapies.