Innovation Centers

The innovation centers, staffed by experts and providing state-of-the-art instrumentation and tools, allow our scientists to pursue more ambitious investigations. Our innovation center scientists are instrumental in pushing the boundaries of current research methods, tailoring techniques to the scientific question at hand.
BaRC develops computational strategies and techniques that let researchers tackle big datasets and assists in creating graphics for publications. Tools developed and maintained by BaRC include TargetScan, one of the most widely used tools for predicting microRNA targets.
The Flow Cytometry Core Facility at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research is a 24/7 facility that provides flow cytometry services to all researchers at the institute. Services provided include assisted cell sorting, analyzer training, education and experimental design and consultation assistance.
The Functional Genomics Platform specializes in adapting CRISPR screens to new research needs, assisting researchers at all stages of the screening process, from experimental design to data analysis and follow-up strategies.
The Genome Technology Core stays on the cutting edge of the always-developing genomics field. The core offers single cell sequencing, next-generation sequencing on the Illumina platform, real-time PCR, and more.
The Metabolite Profiling Core Facility allows researchers to explore the diverse world of small molecules and metabolites with high-resolution instruments. The core provides liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) and assists in project design, implementation, and analysis.
The Quantitative Proteomics Core applies state-of-the-art methods of mass spectrometry to analyze the dynamics of proteins in living systems.
The W.M. Keck Imaging Facility provides researchers with state-of-the-art instrumentation and technical expertise, assists investigators in applying sophisticated microscopy techniques, and trains researchers in microscopy techniques and methodology.

Len Rubenstein/Whitehead Institute
Glasswashing Core Facility
Whitehead Institute Greenhouse
Human Stem Cell Facility