Equipment & Software
Questions on which microscope is best suited for your experiments? Contact us.
Light Microscopy
- 4 detection channels
- Excitation lasers: 405, 415, 488, 515, 555, 639nm
- Spectral unmixing in laser scanning mode
- Both fast multiplexing and super-resolution Airyscan modes.
- Full incubation enclosure and stage-top heat and humidified CO2
- 3 spectral channel (filter free) laser scanning confocal
- 2 Non-descanned detectors for 2-photon detection
- Excitation lasers: 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 594, 633nm + Coherent Chameleon Ultra II femtosecond pulsed-IR laser, tunable from 690-1064nm
- White light laser tunable from 450-790nm
- Four Leica Hybrid detectors
- OKO Lab incubation
- Andor iQ acquisition software and MetaMorph acquisition software
- Andor iXion+ EMCCD cameras for SDC and TIRF
- Andor Zyla sCMOS camera also for SDC
- Nikon Ti microscope with Perfect Focus System
- Excitation lasers: 405, 488, 561, 640nm
- MetaMorph acquisition software with Hammamatsu ORCA-ER CCD camera
- Excitation lasers: 405, 442, 488, 514, 561, 642nm
- Borealis upgrade for <95% flatness of field
- 6 laser lines: 405nm, 440nm, 491nm, 515nm, 561nm, 640nm
- Compatable with aqueous clearing solutions
- Optics for imaging samples with refractive index of 1.33 (water) or 1.45 (CLARITY and similar clearing solutions).
- MetaMorph acquisition software and Hammamatsu Orca-ER camera
- Qimaging Color Micropublisher 3.3 CCD camera with QCapture software
- MetaMorph acquisition software and Hammamatsu Orca-ER camera.
- Solid-state illumination-405, 445,488,515, 555, 594, 647nm excitation
- Perfect focus, time-lapse, z-stack, full heat and CO2 incubation.
- sCMOS camera for large FOV
- Incubation system
- Nikon Elements with JOBS
- Lumencore Celesta 7 line laser illumination
- Kinetix large FOV sCMOS
- Incubation system
- Four excitation lasers, 405, 488, 561, 640 nm
- Dual Hamamatsu Flash Orca Fusion cameras for simultaneous capture
- Abbelight Neo LiveImaging Software and Abbelight Neo Analysis Software
- MetaMorph acquisition software and Hammamatsu Orca-ER camera.
- Solid-state illumination-405, 445,488,515, 555, 594, 647nm excitation
- Perfect focus, time-lapse, z-stack, full heat and CO2 incubation.
Sample Preparation
SmartClear II Pro tissue clearing instrument for CLARITY and SHIELD (LifeCanvas Technologies)
LiveCell Stage-top Incubation System (Pathology Devices)
OkoLab Digital stage-top incubator
Cryostat (Leica CM3050 S) cuts 2-200µm frozen sections
Imaging Software
Imaris (Bitplane) for 3D rendering and analysis, Deconvolution, Batch Processing. Tutorials and webinars.
Fiji package of ImageJ for basic image handling and anaysis. Tutorials and info.
Volocity (Perkin Elmer) for 3D rendering and analysis. Online training.
Electron Microscopy
As of May 20th,2022 the Keck Facility no longer houses the FEI Technai Spirit TEM MIcroscope. This is now in the Peterson (1957) Nanotechnology Materials Core Facility at MIT's Koch Center. Please contact this core for any EM fixation or imaging needs.
Updated 6/7/2022