Genome Technology Core

The Genome Technology Core, a fee-for-service facility, provides both expertise and equipment for systems biology. The core has significant resources in next generation sequencing.

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We offer Next-Generation sequencing on the Illumina platform. We have 1 NovaSeq 6000 system and 1 Miseq system.

We offer several NGS library preparation services for a variety of starting materials and applications.

We currently offer two types of single-cell sequencing: Plexwell (96 well plate based), and 10X Genomics.

The GTC offers RNA and DNA quality assessment service using BioAnalyzer and Fragment Analyzer.

The GTC features the QuantStudio 6 Real-Time PCR system from Applied Biosystems for quantitative PCR. This highly flexible system supports both 96 and 384 well plate formats for both Taqman and SYBR green applications.


Diveena Becker, Director, Phone:617-258-8803, Email: dbecker at wi dot mit dot edu

Jennifer Love, Technical Associate II Core Supervisor, Phone: 617-258-8803, Email: jlove at wi dot mit dot edu

Sumeet Gupta, Bioinformatics & Sequencing Supervisor, Phone: 617-324-0339, Email: sgupta at wi dot mit dot edu

Stephen Mraz III, Technical Assistant I, Phone: 617-258-8803, Email: sjmraz3 at wi dot mit dot edu

Amanda Chilaka, Technical Assistant II, Phone: 617-258-8803, Email: achilaka at wi dot mit dot edu

Contact Us

455 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
Tel: 617-258-8803
wibr-genome at wi dot mit dot edu