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Whitehead Fellow Kristin Knouse has received an NIH Director’s Early Independence Award. The award—part of the National Institute of Health (NIH) High-Risk, High-Reward Research program—was established in 2010 to enable exceptional junior scientists to move immediately into independent research positions. 

Boryana Petrova is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Sebastian Lourido’s lab researching parasite metabolism. She has also worked in Whitehead Institute Member Terry Orr-Weaver’s lab. We sat down with her to learn a bit more about her and her experiences in the lab.

TabulaSynthase, the blog of Whitehead Institute, brings together ideas and perspectives from the Whitehead community and beyond. Each year motivated high school students choose to spend those precious hours not at a beach, but at a lab bench at Whitehead Institute, amid scientists and safety glasses during Whitehead’s annual Spring Lecture Series for High School Students.