Plant Biology

Sonia Boor is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Mary Gehring’s lab studying how to make the crop plant pigeon pea more resilient against climate change. We sat down with Sonia to learn more about her and her experiences in and out of the lab.

To avoid widespread famine and malnutrition, the world must double current food production by 2050, and do so in the face of climate-driven pressures. That is why a key thrust of the Whitehead Initiative on Biology, Health, and Climate Change focuses on plant seeds, the source of more than two-thirds of calories currently consumed globally.

Plants may not “think” the way humans do, but they have a trick up their sleeves when it comes to making decisions. In this installment of our Building a Body story collection, learn about how plants decide when to sprout, when to flower, and how to create seeds that grow into the next generation.