Postdoc Profile

Isaac Klein is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Richard Young’s lab who is investigating mechanisms of gene transcription. He is also a medical oncology clinical fellow at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. We sat down with Klein to learn more about him and his experiences in and out of the lab.

Danielle Tomasello is a postdoctoral fellow investigating neurodevelopmental disorders in Whitehead Institute Member Hazel Sive’s lab. Tomasello is a Simons Center for the Social Brain fellow and was previously Whitehead Institute’s Balkin-Markell-Weinberg Fellow. She is also the creator of The Social Scientist, an outreach and networking site for scientists. We sat down with Tomasello to learn a bit more about her and her experiences in the lab.

Leah Bury  is a postdoc in the lab of Whitehead Member Iain Cheeseman, where her research is focused on understanding transcription of DNA into RNA at the centromere, a region of the chromosome important in cell division.

Boryana Petrova is a postdoc in Whitehead Institute Member Sebastian Lourido’s lab researching parasite metabolism. She has also worked in Whitehead Institute Member Terry Orr-Weaver’s lab. We sat down with her to learn a bit more about her and her experiences in the lab.