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Postdoctoral researchers Anna Boija and Isaac Klein from Whitehead Institute Member Richard Young's lab identified a new way that transcription factors and co-activators can interact and activate transcription. The activation domain of transcription factors sets up the formation of a liquid droplet on the genome containing key factors involved in regulating transcription.

Danielle Tomasello is a postdoctoral fellow investigating neurodevelopmental disorders in Whitehead Institute Member Hazel Sive’s lab. Tomasello is a Simons Center for the Social Brain fellow and was previously Whitehead Institute’s Balkin-Markell-Weinberg Fellow. She is also the creator of The Social Scientist, an outreach and networking site for scientists. We sat down with Tomasello to learn a bit more about her and her experiences in the lab.

Some of the newest and brightest at Whitehead Institute discuss their current research and the future of science. Speakers include - Whitehead Institute Fellow Olivia Corradin: Uncovering New Insights into Human Disease from Genetic Risk Factors - Whitehead Institute Member Ankur Jain: Liquids, Gels, and Neurodegeneration - Whitehead Institute Fellow Kristin Knouse: Innovation in Regenerative Medicine Moderated by Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD, former dean of Duke University School of Medicine

Leah Bury  is a postdoc in the lab of Whitehead Member Iain Cheeseman, where her research is focused on understanding transcription of DNA into RNA at the centromere, a region of the chromosome important in cell division.