Teacher program: Seminar Series 2014-2015
Whitehead Institute’s 2014-2015 Seminar Series for High School Teachers: The Science behind Biotech Breakthroughs
Often lost in the headlines heralding many of biotechnology’s most storied successes is the pivotal fundamental research enabling such breakthroughs.
In little more than 40 years, advances in our understanding of biological processes have translated to the development of drugs and technologies that are helping us battle disease, create a more sustainable environment, and live longer, healthier lives.
Whitehead Institute’s 2014-2015 Lecture Series for High School Teachers, The Science behind Biotech Breakthroughs, examined how today’s researchers are employing novel approaches to drive advances in biotechnology that are transforming the medical and scientific landscapes.
Kick-off session: Monday, October 6, 2014
Developing Drugs and Building Companies to Treat Rare Diseases
Harvey Lodish, Member, Whitehead Institute
[presentation pdf, 4MB]
Monday, November 3, 2014
Engineering Bacteria to Improve Human Health and Productivity
Jennifer Brophy, Voigt Lab, Synthetic Biology Center at MIT
presentation not available
Monday, December 1, 2014
How to Make a Scientist
Brian Teague, Weiss Lab, Synthetic Biology Center at MIT
[presentation pdf, 10.8MB]
Monday, January 5, 2015
Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering
Robert Langer, David H. Koch Institute Professor at MIT
[presentation pdf, 5.5MB]
Monday, February 2, 2015
Canceled due to inclement weather
Monday, March 9, 2015
Why small molecules can change the world in big ways
Jing-Ke Weng, Member, Whitehead Institute
[presentation pdf, 6.2MB]
Monday, April 6, 2015
Using sortase tagging to enhance a broad range of immunotherapies
Hidde Ploegh, Member, Whitehead Institute
presentation not available
Monday, MAy 4, 2015
Visit to Lab Central, Cambridge, MA
Monday, June 1, 2015
Entering the CRISPR-Cas9 Era
Yangzhong Tang, Functional Genomics Platform Manager, Sabatini Lab, Whitehead Institute
[presentation pdf, 4.1MB]